"Aliqa sama Cleo berangkat dulu ya mah" pamit aliqa. Lalu keduanya mencium tangan sang mamah. "hati hati di jalan, Cleo ngga usah ngebut ngebut" "sip" Cleo menunjukan jempolnya sambil berlari ke luar. "berngkat pak, ngga pake lama alias ngebut" tukas cleo pada pak sofyan. "Cleo kata mamah kan ngga boleh ngebut ngebut" protes aliqa. "aliqa kita telat, liat deh jam kamu. Jam tujuh kurang 15 menit, mau tau kan jalanan ibu kota macet, kalo hari biasa aja kita butuh waktu setengah jam lahh kalo kita ngga ngebut mana bisa nyampe tepat waktu" di tengah perjalan mereka terus berdebat. "tapi kata mamah.. " Cleo mendelikan matanya. "ngebut pak" "siap" Pak sofyan menancap gas, berusaha cepat sebisa mungkin. "haduh de, di depan macet bagaimana? Padahal tinggal tiga ratusan meter lagi si de, tapi kalo macet kaya gini pasti lama" "Aliqa lari!! " "hah??" ...
Moment in Bukhara After we visit Tashkent and Samarkand, then we go to Bukhara, which meant it was the final destination of our trip. We went by bus, I still remember when I and some of my friends wanted to pee in the middle of the road, but there was no toilet. We use emergency toilets where it's really uhhhh but I admit it saves our lives. I really enjoyed my trip, singing together, sleeping on the bus, chatting each other, then we just stayed quiet because we were too tired to talk, it was a very extraordinary memory. After about four hours on a beautiful road, finally we arrived in Bukhara. There is a beautiful city with more heritage buildings there. When we arrived at the hotel, I was amazed with decoration and all the hotel designs, of course that is hotel with four stars and the amazing thing is that the hotel belongs to Indonesian. We took a break for lunch and prepared for the next event. We should be able to go to one of the universities there, but because of the ...